Koch brothers, Mars, Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe, mass shootings, military-industrial-academic complex, misogyny, NASA, NCAA, neoliberalism, New York, NRA, nuclear war, nuclearity, opioids, parenting, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, police brutality, police violence, politics, pollution, prosecutors, ...
Then Jobs was excommunicated from the company he co-founded by a board of directors who choose to live in the past and use tactics and strategies from the old school religion of corporate governance. Apple languished, Jobs moved on and found a new path of discovery – he never lost sight...
Abby Martin on the Podesta brothers YouTube Weiner's involvement in disappearance of Madeline McCann on May 3, 2007, wiped Wikileaks emails to destroy evidence of his links to Portugal, passports, and McCann's screenshot 2016-11-11 at 10.14.35 AM, 50 Shades of Abuse HRC went to Epstein...
FHA's New Risky Loans Make Housing Even Riskier "An open market will mean that different institutions will develop different methodologies for achieving this goal," Joseph Polizzotto, counsel to now-bankrupt Lehman Brothers, told U.S. regulators in a March 2006. Countrywide Financial , at the ti...
The elite always use their office to dole out personal favors or pay back those that got them into power. When he was Governor of Florida, Jeb Bush funneled US$1.7 billion of Florida’s state pension funds through investment banking institutions such as theLehman Brothers, Carlyle Group, Morg...
(Averells first cousin) – formed a syndicate of 150 firms/individuals to conduct all exports from Germany to America. It should be noted here that the two Dulles brothers, partners in the corporate law firm Sullivan & Cromwell, had acted for many Nazi enterprises during & after this ...
During the Second World War Pauley aided the Dulles brothers former clients in shifting Nazi assets out of Europe.In 1963, Zapata Petroleum merged with South Penn Oil and other companies to become Pennzoil. In his book Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty (2009) Russ Baker argues: "For ...
“The American spy was hanged at 3 p.m. (5 a.m. PDT) . . . to make him a lesson,” said the statement attached to the videotape. “We reiterate our stand that the sheikh (Obeid) must be freed along with his two brothers (relatives) because what will happen next will be worse....