Busaba是一家连锁泰国餐厅,味道非常正宗,装修风格是典型的南亚风格。伦敦有多家分店,分别位于Westfield和Soho区。虽然可能需要排队,但可以接受预定。🍜推荐菜品: 猪肉饭套餐:这道菜原名忘记了,猪肉经过腌制后烹饪,肉质非常软嫩,有点像日式叉烧的味道。米饭上淋上烧肉的酱汁,泰国米真的非常好吃! 泰式虾仁炒米粉:这...
Busaba opened over 20 years ago in Soho, and ushered in a taste of exciting Thai style that London hadn’t seen before. It was radical and bold, with inspiring food and modern design. Queues down the street quickly became the norm. ...
Busaba is modern Bangkok eating in the heart of London. As in Thailand, our dishes are made to share, and include a flavoursome selection of freshly prepared salads, Pad Thais, curries and more. With a large portion of our menu being plant-based, we aim to feed the soul, body and mi...
Busaba Soho 2,442 Reviews London, England Monkey And Me 345 Reviews London, England Busaba 1,098 Reviews London, England Two Point 276 Reviews London, England All restaurants in London (26951) Been to Busaba St Christopher's Place? Share your experiences! Write a Revi...
SOHO Bar Phangan 390米 Center Health Plus 400米 All Scuba 420米 那沃海滩 420米 通萨拉拳击 450米 显示距离为地图标注的直线距离,实际路程可能不同。 住宿规定 儿童及加床 加床政策根据您所选定的客房而有所不同,更多详情请查看您所选定的客房人数限制。请在搜索条件中列入准确的大人及儿童数,以获得更精准的...
9 locations Bloomsbury 22 Store Street,London WC1E 7DF
When it comes to the design of his restaurants, he certainly doesn't scrimp either. He created the first Wagamama in 1992 with Mr Minimalism, John Pawson. The second, in Soho's Lexington Street, was conceived by architect/designer David Chipperfield, while Busaba Eathai (the Thai restaurant ...
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