Guide to regional & national bus, coach, ferry, routes, timetables & services on New Zealand largest scenic travel touring network with fares from NZ$1
Enjoy New Zealand rail bus train services, train timetable, travel trip, fares, ferry, rail bus passes New Zealand, and more with scenic passenger rail journeys.
Hop on, hop off traveller’s networks, where you buy a pass for unlimited travel, can move you around New Zealand’s major destinations very effectively. In Auckland there are buses that circulate around key attractions, allowing you unlimited travel for a fixed price. If you’re travelling ...
A guide to traveling New Zealand by bus. If you don’t have a car, don’t worry! Buses are popular, and there are many affordable, convenient options.
新西兰背包客巴士 Backpacker Bus New Zealand 102 Hobson Street,奥克兰市中心,新西兰. 城际客车旅游公司针对背包客提供了通达全国的优惠巴士线路,以及省钱低价的旅游通票。让你如同当地人一样自在悠游新西兰假期。 Explore New Zealand the easy way! Cheap New Zealand Travel ...
New Zealand rail bus passes for long distance inter-city passenger train, bus, coach & sightseeing tours on New Zealand's scenic travel network.
Award-winning guided Hop-On-Hop-Off bus passes and Small Group Tours that take you to the heart of New Zealand.
A guide to passenger train, rail, bus, coach, ferry services, travel, destinations & journeys on New Zealand national scenic rail & bus travel networks
Discover New Zealand travel destinations and attractions by rail, bus and ferry. A guide on New Zealand national travel networks and routes lines system.
Scenic Rail Freedom Pass is ideal for 1 week to 12 month stay in New Zealand. Scenic Passes is suited for the independent traveller, families or small groups.