Customized bus network design based on individual reservation demands Sustainability, 11 (2019), p. 5535 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar Hensher and Bradley, 1993 D.A. Hensher, M. Bradley Using stated response to enrich revealed preference discrete choice models Marketing Lett., 4 (2) (19...
Examples of business items are a manufacturing order, motherboard, power supply, and memory chip (in a PC assembly process), itinerary and customer information record (in a trip reservation process), and passenger (in a transportation process). See also business object. business item instance A...
SYSTEM−F−INSFMEM Fatal Error With SHARED SYSTEM MEMORY or LARGE MEMORY Enabled in Galaxy Environment...49 3.13 Oracle CODASYL DBMS and OpenVMS ODS−5 Volumes...50 ii Oracle® CODASYL DBMS for OpenVMS Table of Contents 3.14 Carryover Locks and NOWAIT Transaction Clarification......
Examples of business items are a manufacturing order, motherboard, power supply, and memory chip (in a PC assembly process), itinerary and customer information record (in a trip reservation process), and passenger (in a transportation process). See also business object. business item instance A...