您好, lpc1768 芯片, can 总线节点进入bus_off状态,根据 LPC17xx User Manual 的处理方法,代码如下: LPC_CAN1->MOD = 1; // Enter Reset Mode LPC_CAN1->GSR = 0; //
CAN是控制器局域网络(Controller Area Network, CAN)的简称,是由以研发和生产汽车电子产品著称的德国BOSCH公司开发的,并最终成为国际标准(ISO 11898),是国际上应用最广泛的现场总线之一。 在北美和西欧,CAN总线协议已经成为汽车计算机控制系统和嵌入式工业控制局域网的标准总线,并且拥有以CAN为底层协议专为大型货车和重工...
Figure 5:NI USB-8506 LIN Interface You can also communicate with LIN devices using the aUSB LIN Interface Device. This is a lower cost, mobile solution for communicating to LIN networks. Back to top Additional LIN Information For more information on LIN specifications, visit the LIN consortium...
Discuss the publicly available C-Bus serial protocols. This is the place for C-Bus Enabled partners and third-party developers to discuss C-Bus integration. Page 1 of 3 123Next > TitleStart Date RepliesViews Last Message ↓ How to turn off lights that automatically come on at sunrise ...
http://www.kvaser.com/about-can/the-can-protocol Enable the CAN controller kernel driver AM35x kernel In the case of the AM35x platform the configuration is: Linux Kernel Configuration Networking support CAN bus subsystem support CAN device drivers Platform CAN drivers with Netlink support CAN ...
AmqpErrorCondition contains error conditions common to the AMQP protocol and used by Azure services. When an AMQP exception is thrown, examining the error condition field can inform developers as to why the AMQP exception occurred and if possible, how to mitigate this exception. A list of all ...
PicoScope will automatically calculate the optimum threshold, hysteresis and baud rate but these values can be customized if necessary. Click Next. In the Display page keep on or turn off Graph and/or Table display by selecting the required format—Hex/Binary/Decimal/ASCII or Off. Once configure...
If the user name does not carry the domain name or carries an invalid domain name, the user is authenticated in the default domain. [Router] domain isp1 # Check whether a user can be authenticated using RADIUS authentication. A test user account has been configured on the RADIUS server, ...
It is now possible to use any Qt SerialBus driver (socketcan, Vector, PeakCAN, TinyCAN). It should, however, be noted that use of a capture device is not required to make use of this program. It can load and save in several formats: BusMaster log file Microchip log file CRTD forma...
with client.get_queue_receiver(queue_name, max_wait_time=30) as receiver: for msg in receiver: # ServiceBusReceiver instance is a generator. print(str(msg)) # If it is desired to halt receiving early, one can break out of the loop here safely. NOTE: Any message received with receive...