Energy-aware Management in Wireless Body Area Network System Recently, Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) has promise to revolutionize human daily life. The need for multiple sensors and constant monitoring lead these... Z Xu,X Ying,S Luo - 《Ksii Transactions on Internet & Information Systems》...
A flexible power bus system for use in bringing to and distributing power on a printed circuit board. More particularly, the system includes electrical contact elements having a wire receiving ferrule at one end of a plate for being crimped onto a electrical wire and pins extending outwardly from...
A multi-bus system can be used in the DR or RR power supply architecture to ensure high reliability. The multi-bus system consists of multiple independent UPS systems. Each UPS system consists of one UPS or multiple UPSs connected in parallel. One UPS system is the master system, and oth...
Commissioning a Dual-Bus SystemWhen the UPS works in S-ECO mode and BSC mode at the same time, if the power supply is not synchronized, the UPS exits S-ECO mode and transfers to inverter mode. In a dual-bus system, if one system is set to normal mode and the other system is set...
There are three generator subsystems in the model. Each of them comprises a synchronous machine and associated automatic voltage regulator (AVR), exciter, power system stabilizer (PSS), governor, and prime mover. Simscape™ Electrical™ first performs a load-flow analysis for the model and det...
本節說明如何使用 Azure Resource Manager 範本和 PowerShell,以建立具有受控服務識別的 Azure 服務匯流排命名空間。建立Azure Resource Manager 範本,以建立具有受控服務識別的服務匯流排進階層級命名空間。 將檔案命名為:CreateServiceBusPremiumNamespace.json: JSON 複製 { "$schema":"
PowerShell Copy Install-Package Azure.Identity Add the code to receive messages from the queue In this section, you add code to retrieve messages from the queue. Within the Program class, add the following code: Passwordless Connection string C# Copy using System.Threading.Tasks; using Azur...
This paper presents the generator's internal fault modeling and analysis based on the one-machine infinite-bus power system for the simulation of internal faults in a synchronous generator. The model applied is a low-order synchronous generator model, and is based on the so-called fourth-order ...
Chiang, HD., Li, H., Tong, J., Tada, Y. (2013). On-Line Transient Stability Screening of a Practical 14,500-Bus Power System: Methodology and Evaluations. In: Khaitan, S., Gupta, A. (eds) High Performance Computing in Power and Energy Systems. Power Systems. Springer, Berlin, Hei...
This Cumulative Update defines new states for queue, topic and subscription and contains a number of bug fixes for Service Bus 1.0