function void uvm_reg_field::do_predict(uvm_reg_item rw, uvm_predict_e kind = UVM_PREDICT_DIRECT, uvm_reg_byte_en_t be = -1); uvm_reg_data_t field_val = rw.value[0] & ((1 << m_size)-1); if (rw.status != UVM_NOT_OK) rw.status = UVM_IS_OK; // Assume that the ...
uvm_reg_map操作uvm_reg_bus_op类型的item,而uvm_sequencer操作uvm_sequence_item类型的item。 adapter 继承uvm_reg_adapter,重写reg2bus和bus2reg这两个pure virtual function。 classmy_adapterextendsuvm_reg_adapter; string tID = get_type_name; `uvm_object_utils(my_adapter) functionnew(string name="my...
Bus Functional Model coroutine function The definition of a function that, when called, returns a coroutine object. Implemented using :keyword:`async` functions. See also the :term:`Python glossary <python:coroutine function>`. coroutine The result of calling a :term:`coroutine function`. Coroutin...
uvm_reg_map操作uvm_reg_bus_op类型的item,而uvm_sequencer操作uvm_sequence_item类型的item。 adapter 继承uvm_reg_adapter,重写reg2bus和bus2reg这两个pure virtual function。 classmy_adapterextendsuvm_reg_adapter; string tID = get_type_name; `uvm_object_utils(my_adapter) functionnew(string name="my...
Sci. 2017, 7, 1131 5 of 22 5 of 21 Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs)T(MabElMe S1.inCeorntita.l sensor with three accelerometers) and high precision InstrumenIMt U Function Model MEMS inertial sensor LIS3LO2AL IMU440CA CatadIinoeprttiarlicMoeamsunreidmiernetcUtinoitnsa(IlMsUtesr)e(MovE...
The values of ODopt as a function of NRC were kept the same at all the selected ambient temperatures, since they were not affected by the latter considerably. The states of sufficient charge showed in Figure 4 (i.e., NRC Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 5614 8 of 15 values between 0.248 and ...