We also provide private hire services and operate a number of contracts on behalf of Bus Eireann School Transport Services and Local Link. We don’t stand still for long and have exciting plans in the pipeline! Brendan Crowley, Managing Director Launch...
This application retrieves the times for Bus Eireann buses in real time. Times can be selected by route, stop, direction and time.Changelog---6/1/13-Fixed a bug where application stopped working when Bus Eireann site is down.-Fixed a bug when Time now is unchecked-Better detection of...
The Toyota hydrogen bus trial is a part of an effort by the Hydrogen Mobility Ireland Group, Toyota, CIE, DCU, Dublin Bus, Bus Eireann, ESB and BOC. Thesecompanies are all working together with the Department of Transport and Caetano Busto bring the trial of the fuel cell vehicle to Irel...