burton.com gets most of its social media traffic from Facebook, followed by Reddit and Youtube (Desktop). Engaging audiences through Instagram may reveal new opportunities Social Networks 5 Social Network Distribution Created with Highcharts 10.3.337.55%30.2%23.41%7.01%1.83% ...
burton.com 大部分的社群媒體流量來自於 Facebook,其次是 Reddit 及 Youtube(電腦)。透過 Instagram 吸引受眾,可能會創造新的機會 分享 社群網路 5 社群網路分布 37.55%30.2%23.41%7.01%1.83% Facebook Reddit Youtube Pinterest Instagram --burton.com到其他网站的链接按流量份额 burton.com正為 11 的不同網站...