I burst blood vessels in both my eyeballs, looked like a demon. Se me rompieron capilares de los dos ojos, parecía un demonio. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Shaun, I have a burst blood vessel in my brain Shaun, tengo una vena a punto de estallar en mi cerebro opensubtitles2 The whites...
I am interested in blood vessel burst causes. I have had these problems with my eyes for almost a year now. From time to time blood vessels in my eye burst. It is not that much of a problem, but it does irritate a bit, and my eyes look as if I have not slept for days. I as...
Hi, I have this rash aswell.. Or at least thats what I thought it was, it's been there for 2 or 3 months now. I went into a walk in clinic and was told that it was just broken blood vessels but I don't believe that. The marks don't itch, thay're just there on my foot,...