If you want to always test, find and exploit vulnerabilities from your application then your option will be Burp Suite Professional Edition. It is not expensive to acquire and you can even request one month trial to use the professional edition. This automated tool will always save you time an...
If you want to make use of Burp Suite Repeater with an HTTP request, you only need to right-click on the request and selectSend to Repeater. There is an immediate creation of a new request tab in the Repeater and you will also see all the relevant details on the message editor for fu...
SendToXray Burp Suite Extender, send the specified request to xray proxy. The requests_mode branch is recommended, which is more stable. burpextenderxrayscanner-web Activity 12stars Releases No releases published Packages No packages published
Is Burp Suite Professional Safe? Burp Suite Professional is widely used on Windows operating systems. In terms of safety, it is generally considered to be a safe and reliable software program. However, it’s important to download it from a reputable source, such as the official website or a...
Burp Suite使用笔记 首先设置为127.0.0.1:8080 默认是这样设置的,没有的话自己手动添加。 然后下载火狐浏览器,不知道为什么360急速浏览器设置代理后拦截不到数据。 以上这样设置只能截取http的包 https是抓取不到的 Forward:将请求包发送 Drop:丢掉请求包