Xbox360《火爆狂飙:复仇 Burnout Revenge》中文版下载,火爆狂飙:复仇是一款惊险刺激的赛车竞速游戏,撞车元素是这款游戏的一大特色。 《火爆狂飙》的玩法不同于一般竞速赛车游戏以比快为目标,而是要追求以夸张震撼的撞毁来获得高分。玩家可以开着大马力的跑车,在各种道路甚至都市中超速狂飙,找寻最佳目标来撞毁。猛烈撞击...
火爆狂飙:复仇 Burnout Revenge Xbox 360 法国 (2005) …封面载入中…
Burnout Revenge First ReleasedSep 13, 2005 XBOX PS2 X360 Follow 9.1 SuperbCheck out the review Metacritic 89 User Avg 9 Unlock Madden Van To unlock the Madden Van simply have a game save on your hard drive for Madden 2006. Contributed by:locdog517 ...
Burnout Revenge - Reviews Critic Reviews 1upRead ReviewA15th Aug 2009 CheatCodeCentralRead Review4.6 out of 515th Aug 2009 EurogamerRead Review8 out of 1015th Aug 2009 Game InformerPrint Magazine9.5 out of 1015th Aug 2009 GameDailyRead Review9 out of 1015th Aug 2009 ...
Burnout Revenge免费编辑添加义项名 B添加义项 ? 所属类别 : 其他游戏相关 以为本作只是前作《火爆狂飙3》的强化版的玩家需要重新更正一下这个观点,本作将会带你进入另一个更疯狂的赛车世界。 目录 1基本简介 折叠编辑本段基本简介 游戏类型:RAC
pump it up with the Xbox 360’s graphical and audio power, and the result is the pulse-pounding, adrenaline-packed Burnout Revenge. Unless you harbor a deep hatred of cars, an aversion to racing games, or have a weak heart, then do yourself a favor and add this game to your collection...
A great game is a great game though, and Burnout Revenge is definitely a great game, and thus a worthy addition to the young library of the Xbox 360. You do want to experience the fastest racing game created by man, right? Generally Burnout Revenge retains most of the same concepts ...
Patrick St. Michel
火爆狂飙:复仇 Burnout Revenge Xbox 360 美版 (2005) …封面载入中…
Xbox360《火爆狂飙:复仇 Burnout Revenge》中文版GOD下载。火爆狂飙是一个出色的赛车竞速游戏系列,游戏中撞车的玩法非常刺激,感兴趣的玩家不要错过。 《火爆狂飙》的玩法不同于一般竞速赛车游戏以比快为目标,而是要追求以夸张震撼的撞毁来获得高分。玩家可以开着大马力的跑车,在各种道路甚至都市中超速狂飙,找寻最佳目标...