Burnout™ Revenge launches you into the fastest, most dangerous racer on the road. Exact revenge on rush hour traffic, vindictive rival racers, and everything else that gets between you and the finish line. This time it’s personal. This time it’s about revenge. KEY FEATURES • Prepare...
Burnout™ Revenge launches you into the fastest, most dangerous racer on the road. Exact revenge on rush hour traffic, vindictive rival racers, and everything else that gets between you and the finish line. This time it’s personal. This time it’s about revenge. KEY FEATURES • Prepare...
不过再好的游戏玩多了也会让玩家审美疲劳,2005年推出的《火爆狂飙 复仇》(Burnout Revenge)和《火爆狂飙 传奇》(Burnout Legends),销量下滑到193万和103万。同时其它厂商的技术实力也有了长足进步,市面上出现了其它优秀作品与之竞争,例如《横冲直撞》(FlatOut)系列更强调碰撞和破坏,Criterion Games需要寻找新的突破,...
火爆狂飙:复仇 Burnout Revenge Xbox 360 美版 (2005) …封面载入中…
不过再好的游戏玩多了也会让玩家审美疲劳,2005年推出的《火爆狂飙 复仇》(Burnout Revenge)和《火爆狂飙 传奇》(Burnout Legends),销量下滑到193万和103万。同时其它厂商的技术实力也有了长足进步,市面上出现了其它优秀作品与之竞争,例如《横冲直撞》(FlatOut)系列更强调碰撞和破坏,Criterion Games需要寻找新的突破,...
不过再好的游戏玩多了也会让玩家审美疲劳,2005年推出的《火爆狂飙 复仇》(Burnout Revenge)和《火爆...
Full list of all 36 Burnout Revenge achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 40-50 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox 360.
火爆狂飙:复仇 Burnout Revenge Xbox 360 法国 (2005) …封面载入中…
Burnout Revenge is the fourth video game in the Burnout series of racing games, released for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox on September 13, 2005 and Xbox 360 on March 7, 2006, alongside the PlayStation Portable and Nintendo DS title Burnout Legends. Similar to its predecessor Burnout 3: Takedo...
Xbox360《火爆狂飙:复仇 Burnout Revenge》中文版GOD下载。火爆狂飙是一个出色的赛车竞速游戏系列,游戏中撞车的玩法非常刺激,感兴趣的玩家不要错过。 《火爆狂飙》的玩法不同于一般竞速赛车游戏以比快为目标,而是要追求以夸张震撼的撞毁来获得高分。玩家可以开着大马力的跑车,在各种道路甚至都市中超速狂飙,找寻最佳目标...