“Asking for what you need at work and home is such an important first step, and not always easy to do, especially in the U.S. where there’s such an individualistic culture,” says Dr. Kerr. “Ask for flexible work hours, and work on crafting a job that feels more enjoyable. This...
--Hamish Blair/Getty Images Youhave the right to have work that enriches you and enlivens you, rather than diminishing you. This is my own personal declaration of human rights at work. It informs everything I do as a coach, management professor, and human being. Yet it's surprisingly cont...
Teacher burnout is a significant occupational problem worldwide (Akça and Yaman2010; meta-analysis by García-Carmona et al.2018). Although burnout rates are generally quite low in Finland (Schaufeli2018), about 12% of Finnish educators have been shown to suffer from high levels of work stres...
Health care personnel who work in penitentiary environments are at risk of burnout due to a variety of factors. Latest research have brought forward a classification system consisting of five burnout profiles on a continuum between engagement and burnout. The objective of this study was to measure ...
(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material ...
Employee burnout is often mistakenly seen as an individual problem when, really, it's due to systemic issues like unequal promotion opportunities, micromanagment, or other factors.— Getty Images/LumiNola Burnout is often seen as an individual problem that can be resolved by finding a better wo...
Offering extra support and helping your team prioritize are two ways to help prevent burnout among your employees.— Getty Images/PeopleImages In 2019, theWorld Health Organization (WHO)labeled employee burnout as a “workplace phenomenon.” According to the WHO, burnout is characterized by depleted...
in Spanish|in French|English synonyms|English Collocations|English Usage|Conjugator|in context|images WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2025 burn•out/ˈbɜrnˌaʊt/USA pronunciationn.[uncountable] ...
including burnout and intent to leave. Employees experiencing high levels of toxic behavior at work were eight times more likely to experience burnout symptoms such as exhaustion, reduced ability to regulate emotional and cognitive processes, and lack of engagement; and burned-out employees were six ...
As seen previously, job burnout is a multidimensional construct that consists of the individual response to stressors at work [3,9]. The literature has long investigated the association between organizational and occupational factors and burnout. However, a recent meta-analysis shows that there is ...