Hoping someone can assist me on my issue here, at its becoming a bigger concern. I am a 27 year old male. I had unprotected sex with a female around the beginning of June and shortly after I noticed a mildburning sensation in penis tipwhen I ejaculated. I knew this was likely to be...
Thanks for the reply : ) and yeah we ways use a condom and I've never been on the pill but it could have been that there wasn't enough lubrication but I don't know why it would burn sometimes when I pee and feel sore when I wipe too but it's not all...
Asked for Male, 56 Years 46 Views Dr. Gautam Chopra Urologist | Jalandhar 1/1 people found this helpful Consult for discussion and treatment ... Read More I have been experiencing dry skin and rash on my penis head lately. When I pee I feel a burning sensation, i am have an...
When kidney stones move outside the kidney and travel through the urethra, they can sometimes get stuck. This can block your urine flow and become painful. Most often, that pain is felt in your side or back, but sometimes you'll feel burning and pain when you pee. ...
When to use Berberis Vulgaris? This medicine is an excellent choice to manage burning sensation that occurs before passing urine attended with constant urge to urinate. How to use Berberis Vulgaris? It is advised to use Berberis Vulgaris 30C one to two times a day. ...
i have not had my period for 2months and am having that yeast stuff the nurse told me it was yeast cause i told her how it felt but i really want to know if am pregrant my legs have been hurt a little and i sleep alot i mostly feeling like throw up when am around certain foods...
and nothing, it dont burn when i pee, only sometimes after, i walk funny cause im in so much pain my lower back and lower left abdomen are horrible, i resorted to painkillers didnt solve anything just put it off..my testes often feel like they're floating in javex or a corrosive ...
After having sex about a week or so before my period starts, between my vagina and butt I get a burning feeling. When I try to pee I have to lean forward so it doesn't burn, and it is all red and looks irritated. It only lasts for a day, but why does this happen?
hey I'm a 26 male. I'm standing waiting by the toilet for urine... I had a similar problem once when i was 16. I masturbated thrice once, and the next day after masturbating once. I felt an urge to pee so i did. It hurt at the end. after that it felt like i wasn't don...
“Male” erudition, which allows a woman to be a writer, was emerging, but was, at the same time, a barrier for her own creativity and her own “femininity”. This obvious conflict stops when what is considered “male” or “female” in society defies rigorous definition. The real change...