The "tunnel" is between the ankle bone and a group of ligaments near the top of the foot. The tibial nerve inside gives sensation to the bottom of the foot. Swelling from injury, arthritis, bone spurs, fallen arches, or other conditions could push on the nerve. You might have shooting ...
you had better spend a little time going to our mainHome Remediespage. After reading the writing of top 14 natural home remedies for burning feet, we all hope that you have already learned some useful treatments to get rid of the symptoms effectively and quickly at home. However, the writin...
Heat is a symptom of peripheral neuropathy but can also be a tingling, numbness, or tickling sensation. Get a checkup. If you’ve been experiencing recurring foot heat despite trying everything, and if you haven’t had a physical in a while, it’s time to make an appointment and discuss...
Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection that develops in warm, moist parts of your skin. Sweaty shoes and socks, as well as humidity, create an ideal environment for the fungus to thrive. In addition to burning, you may have itching and stinging sensations on your soles and between your to...