Those who knew Poppy from the internet likely had all sorts of wild ideas, and“Africa” by Totowas playing on loop as they contemplated the imminent future. As the song itself has become its own infamous meme, it seemed only fitting to fill the void of time while everyone waited for the...
man, I can’t believe it. It blows my mind. So, this one is for all of you tonight, this is called, ‘Familiar Taste of Poison’”. They played the long-beloved song from their first
Andrew Unterberger: It’s pretty close to a tie for me. It’s pretty absurd that after being one of the 10 or so biggest artists of the entire 2010s, The Weeknd is starting the next decade with bigger numbers than ever — in the middle of a global crisis, no less. But man, whenev...
Despite BoJo’s demands that coal be shut down,earlier this month, Boris Johnson was humiliatingly forced to turn to coal, after adverse weather caused renewables to fail, and gas became really expensive during a Europe wide wind drought. Even coal was not enough. The power price spike c...
interesting and amazing people I’ve known over the course of my life who, through whatever series of events, have found themselves in academia. This time, I’m interviewing Dr. Julie Huntington, who I know mostly as the oboe player in the seminal Michigan skronk outfit, Galen but now wor...