Those who knew Poppy from the internet likely had all sorts of wild ideas, and“Africa” by Totowas playing on loop as they contemplated the imminent future. As the song itself has become its own infamous meme, it seemed only fitting to fill the void of time while everyone waited for the...
You're like a living 'this is fine' meme by now. No, I just like evidence before panic, and I defer to experts before hysteria. I don't know where you got the rest, but admiting when I am wrong is a strength, not a weakness. Vayra86 said: Space Invaders last gen were ...
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But this one really has its claws in me, too. The speed and simplicity are just perfect for quick little diversions, but there’s a real depth of strategy there once you get familiar with the game. This is probably unsurprising to fans of other CCGs; I never was o...
Its been really another calm week at the White House. We finally have it running like a fine-tuned machine. Its fine-tuned. Its a beautiful piece of work. … But before I get started, I wanted to apologize for arriving a little bit late. You know, we were late tonight because Jared ...
1. Few would have predicted Gunna’sDS4Everto emerge victorious in this week’s Billboard 200 race against a new album from a crossover heavy-hitter like The Weeknd. Focusing solely on the Gunna side of it, what aboutDS4Everand its rollout allowed him to pull off the feat?
I needed to change something. The gout was still happening, and I would have either a flare-up or just overall inflammation, making it difficult to get the exercise I needed. Jogging was out. Walking was only fine until I felt my ankles starting to twinge, and then I had to ice them...
humanity is a pathetic, out-moded species that has reached its peak and is stagnating. time for some new gods. so maeve burned herself to a crisp so she could get sylvester to remove the explosives in her spine and reach the “mainland.” and ford didn’t seem the ...
The PBLH along with its standard deviation (std) is also shown by the black solid and dashed lines, respectively. The majority of the cases presented here show low altitude aerosol layers (from near ground up to 2.40 km a.s.l.) with quite low PLDR values (lower than 0.11), except ...