Presents an excerpt from an interview with Bill Gates, by the COMDEX Daily, regarding several operating systems, including Linux.EBSCO_bspLinux Journal
There are very few topics that match what im feeling, but this one is the closest. My issues started about 4 months ago i got a sharp, but tolerable pain on the right side of my spine inbetween myshoulder blades and it was intesified when i took deep breaths. I let it go for a...
betweenhisshoulder-blades,histoesjusttouchingthe floor,acrosstheroomandintotheother,pastthe sisterssittingwithspreadheavythighsintothetwo chairsoverthecoldhearth,andtowherehismotherand auntsidebysideonthebed,theaunt’sarmsabouthis mother’sshoulders.