Unless BLM has evidence that really bad things are happening out there in the remote area beyond what I am unaware of, the idea seems totally unreasonable and much more devastating to the environment than the present minimalist effort. LIGHTING AT NIGHT: BLM is claiming that Burning Man creates...
Mostly because the second they got that new idea up and working the motor would burn out. Thus they would be back to square one leading to more frustrating disappointment. Yes this thing is lose lose all the way to the grave. Just the same for FREE how could you possibly go wrong???
It’s got to be uncompromising and not based on a bunch of snack foods with cellophane-wrapped whatever with cavemen stamped on the labels, and cookies and cream keto bars, and things like that. I’m embarrassed by so much of what I see going on and all of that. It’s frustrating ...
Acknowledged, it’s hard to think too far ahead – I’m still figuring out my Super Bowl snack menu – but it’s worth highlighting on your calendar now. Because before you know it, October will be here.The Oakland Museum of California has commissioned a 40-foot-tall outdoor ...