Department of Medicine, Division of Environmental Medicine, NYUGSoM, New York, NY, 10010, USA Gabriele Grunig, Arul Veerappan & Anna Nolan Contributions AN was the primary investigator, had full access to all of the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity and the accuracy...
qu年10月,si特兰di斯宣bu与中guo零跑qi车成wei全球zhan略伙ban,并xiang后者tou资15亿欧yuan。wxydnqlmateqyqqdjhbl 6yue13ri9shi,guojiafangzongzhenduiguangxi、fujianqidongfangxunsijiyingjixiangying,paichulianggegongzuozufenfuguangxi、fujianxiezhuzhidao;xinzengzhenduihebei、neimengguqidongkanghansijiyingji...
Currently, it is important to optimize the respective reference values of the individual burn degrees for an objectified assessment.Promny D.Aich J.Puski T.Marti Edo A.Reichert B.Billner M.Burns: Including Thermal Injury
Aldrich TK, et al. Lung function in rescue workers at the World Trade Center after 7 years. N Engl J Med. 2010;362:1263–72. Banauch GI, et al. Bronchial hyperreactivity and other inhalation lung injuries in rescue/recovery workers after the World Trade Center collapse. Crit Care Med. ...
(CQE) Days Meeting 2022A Theme Issue Honoring Professor Bo LiedbergActive Ingredients in Functional Foods and Their Impact on HealthActive Pharmaceutical IngredientsAdenosine Receptor Antagonists: Design, Synthesis and Biochemical AnalysesAdvance in Gas Hydrates: Formation, Structures, Properties and ...
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