To achieve the greatest efficiencies, the mechanical, electrical and plumbing services for Burj Khalifa were developed in coordination during the design phase with cooperation of the architect, structural engineer and other consultant. Fire Safety Fire safety and speed of evacuation were prime factors in...
a本案例中,王国塔项目的优势(S)很难发现,对比Burj Khalifa没有任何优势可言;劣势(W)有:信息闭塞、商业价值不高、风险较大等;机会(O)也不多,除非把沙特阿拉伯巨大的国库储备作为其中一个方面;威胁(T)有:前来投资的外国商人不多(签证难)、旅游人员不多、预期消费不足等。 In this case, kingdom tower projec...