Burj Al Arab is a luxury 5 Star hotel located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It has been called “The world’s only 7 star Hotel” and is the third tallest hotel in the world; however, 40% of its total height is made up of non-occupiable space. It is said to be the second t...
迪拜卓美亚帆船酒店(Jumeirah Burj Al Arab Dubai)豪华棕榈套房 8146/1晚,卓美亚,迪拜卓,帆船酒店,棕榈套房,dubai
The Burj Al Arab is the tower of the Arabs, and is located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It is a luxurious hotel, standing 1,053 feet tall. It is said to be the second tallest hotel in the world. The tallest hotel building is the Rose Tower. There is a
Burj Khalifa, Mohamed Bin Rashid Boulevard, Downtown Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 迪拜市区, 迪拜, 阿拉伯联合酋长国, 888333 - 查看地图 住宿提供免费 Wi-Fi 和免费停车服务,让您保持连通,并来去自如。 住宿位于迪拜市区的上佳位置,让您轻松探索周遭景点。 离开前,别忘了探访知名的迪拜哈里发塔。
Burj al-ʿArab, luxury hotel located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, that was designed by architect Tom Wright and completed in 1999. Burj al-ʿArab (Arabic for “Tower of the Arabs”) is as much a landmark of Dubai as the Eiffel Tower is of Paris an
迪拜卓美亚帆船酒店(Jumeirah Burj Al Arab Dubai) 价格说明 划线价格为参考价,该价格指商品或服务的门市价、服务提供商的指导价、零售价或该商品或服务曾经展示过的销售价等,并非原价;由于产品信息实时更新、市场价格波动等可能会与您预订时展示的不一致,该价格仅供您参考。
可选择在 Bab Al Yam 餐厅或套房的私密空间内享用每日双人自助早餐 个性化私人酒吧 免费高速 Wi-Fi 网络、21 英寸 iMac 电脑、42 英寸和 32 英寸互动式宽屏高清电视 两间宽敞的更衣室 私人图书室 六人用餐独立雅间 工作人员独立入口,配备私人管家厨房。
Burj Al Arab | P.O. Box 74147, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 查看所有图片 迪拜卓美亚帆船酒店拥有独特的帆船造型,不仅是一处迷人的地标,已俨然成为现代迪拜的象征。客人亲见这一迷人建筑时已觉无限惊奇,但真正让卓美亚帆船酒店卓然不群的是酒店提供的高品质服务。酒店多次荣膺世界最豪华酒店殊荣。卓美亚帆船酒店...
Luxury for Less; All Aboard: The Distinctive Sail-Shaped Burj Al Arab Hotel in Dubai
迪拜卓美亚帆船酒店(Jumeirah Burj Al Arab Dubai) Ristorante L'Olivo at Al Mahara47 米 Al Muntaha顶层餐厅43 米 Sahn Eddar34 米 Junsui-Burj Al Arab0 米 Sardina Seafood Restaurant626 米 Kaftan Turkish Cuisine & Fine Art568 米 Il Borro Tuscan Bistro Dubai532 米 ...