布里丹毛驴效应(Buridan donkey effect) This hesitation in the decision-making process, not be uncertain phenomenon called "Buridan donkey effect". Buridan is a university professor, and his fame is largely due to the fact that he has proved that two opposing and perfectly balanced thrusts are impo...
布里丹毛驴效应(Buridandonkeyeffect)布里丹毛驴效应(Buridan donkey effect)This hesitation in the decision-making process, not be uncertain phenomenon called "Buridan donkey effect".Buridan is a university professor, and his fame is largely due to the fact that he has proved that two opposing and ...
17.What is, in essence, the Jorda Effect?从本质上说,究竟什么是乔丹效应? 18.gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer-computer气相色谱仪-质谱仪-计算机联用系统 相关短句/例句 Jean Buridan (1300~1358)布里丹,J. 3)"the ass of Qian "黔之驴 1.Among the fable three exhort,wrote by Liu Zongyuan,"the ...
We show that the prevalence of difficult-choice situations in equilibrium is related to the magnitude of the choice procrastination effect. In general, features of the choice procedure that are typically viewed as biases tend to "protect" the decision maker, in the sense that they encourage ...
Chewing an aspirin tablet is the most effective way of accelerating absorption of aspirin into the blood and shortening the time required for an antiplatelet effect.doi:10.1515/kl-2016-0003Claude Gagnon(Montréal)De Gruyter MoutonKritikon Litterarum...
In effect, the relations of inference syntactically established are shown to hold also from a semantic point of view, which means thus that this fragment of Buridan's logic can be said to be sound.doi:10.1080/01445340410004511CatarinaFaculty...