Burial urn,即瓮棺葬,是一种使用瓮或类似容器作为葬具的埋葬方式,这种葬俗在古代文明中颇为常见。以下是对瓮棺葬的详细解释: 一、定义与概述 瓮棺葬,顾名思义,就是利用瓮(一种大型陶制容器)或其他类似的容器来作为葬具,将逝者的遗体或骨灰安置其中进行埋葬。这种埋葬方式不仅体现了古代...
With rising burial costs, increasing prices for memorials and urns have impacted many all across. While burial vaults can be an added hefty additional expense, theForeverSafe™ Burial Urndoes not require the additional vault. The ForeverSafe™Burial Urnofferswater-tight protectionwith an annodize...
Urn Burial 作者:Thomas Browne 出版社:New Directions 出版年:2010-10-26 页数:96 定价:USD 9.95 装帧:Paperback ISBN:9780811218924 豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 评价: 作者简介· ··· 托马斯・布朗爵士于1605年10月19日生于伦敦,1682年去世。他的父亲是一位商人。布朗性 格怪癖,常有新奇的想象,代表作《医生...
A rigid burial urn constructed of a thermosetting material which has a flat end face for supporting the urn in an upright position and a circular access opening extending through the end face. An interior wall of the container adjacent the end face includes a groove into which a resilient cove...
歌曲名《Urn Burial》,由 Peter Cook、Jonathan Miller、Dudley Moore、Alan Bennett 演唱,收录于《Beyond the Fringe: Live At Carnegie Hall, Vol. 1》专辑中,《Urn Burial》下载,《Urn Burial》在线试听,更多Urn Burial相关歌曲推荐,尽在网易云音乐
Urn Burial 《Urn Burial》是Peter Cook演唱的歌曲。歌曲: Urn Burial
具有文化辨识度的'urn burial'指骨灰瓮安葬形式,'premature burial'则用于描述假死误葬的历史现象,多见于医学史研究。 四、墓葬考古类术语 考古发掘报告常出现'burial objects',指陪葬器物组合,'cave burial'描述利用天然岩洞作为墓穴的古老葬俗。特殊遗址命名如'burial grounds',多指集中...
Burial Urn Category: Artifact Definition: A vessel in which the cremated ashes of one or more individuals are placed.
A dual-layer burial urn comprising a hollow outer decorative casing surrounding an inner resilient liner formed of a high-impact plastic. The outer casing is formed from a base resin, such as an acrylic or polymeric material and inert fillers. The outer surface contains an opening at one end...