in which the body is placed in a fetal position and buried under the ground. A tree (or tree seed) is then planted over the top of the pod, which will use the nutrients from the decomposing body as fertilizer for
While death is something most of us wish not to think about, let alone the subject of burial, a new trend is becoming more and more popular –“green burial“. With funeral directors, embalming, caskets, cemetery plots, vaults, headstones, flowers and a multitude of Western ideas of burial...
Tree Pod Burial In a green burial, the emphasis is placed on letting the body decompose naturally and return to the Earth without having a negative impact. The embalming process is skipped, and biodegradable caskets or shrouds are used. Human composting is exactly what it sounds like. The body...
Capsula mundi is an organic burial pod made of natural starch plastic in which body of deceased is placed in foetal position that nurture tree seeds as the body break downs. The natural decomposition process feeds the tree above, and over time, burial spaces can be transformed from bleak ...
Meet the Bios Incube, the world’s first Internet of Things burial urn, because there really is something for everybody in 2017. In all seriousness, it’s quite a clever idea. The Bios Incube is a tree incubator specifically designed to work with ashes. After a successful Kickstarter ...
TheCapsula-Mundiproject is a biodegradeable, organic replacement for coffins. After dying, the remains of the body are encased inside a pod which is planted in the soil with a tree above it. The tree then takes the nutrients from the body to help it grow. ...
A tree pod burial buries human remains in pods for a tree to grow out of. Rather than a casket, the human body goes into a biodegradable pod that will break down over time. The pod is buried in the ground, and a tree is planted on top of it. As the tree grows, the person’s ...
You could turn your dead body into a tree with these eco-podsJulia Calderone