William B. Meyer:The other Burgess Model.Urban Geography,2000,(3)The Other Burgess Model. Urban Geography 21 (3): 261-270.Meyer, William (2000), "The Other Burgess Model", Urban Geography, vol. 21, no. 3, Montreal, Canada, pp. 261-270....
Together, the experiments and fossil analysis support a model for the deposits of the Greater Phyllopod Bed interval of the Burgess Shale where recently deceased animals could have been picked up and carried tens of kilometers by flows before being deposited and entombed19,20,28 (Fig. 3). ...
Daniel A. GriffithInstitute of Mathematical GeographyArlinghaus, S. and D. Griffith, 2010, "Mapping It Out! A Contemporary View of Burgess's Concentric Ring Model of Urban Growth," Solstice, XXI(2) [www .mylovedone.com/image/solstice/win10/ArlinghausandGriffith.html]....