Burgess Meredith का जन्म 16 नवंबर 1907 को हुआ था।Burgess Meredith एक अभिनेता और लेखक थे, जो Clash of the Titans (1981), Rocky (1976) और Rocky II (1979) के लिए ...
Burgess Meredith. Actor: Clash of the Titans. One of the truly great and gifted performers of the century, who often suffered lesser roles, Burgess Meredith was born in 1907 in Cleveland, Ohio. He was educated in Amherst College in Massachusetts, before
爱给网提供海量的免费商用 (cc协议)资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为wav 格式的伯吉斯·梅雷迪斯/洛基·巴尔博亚洛基印象1(Burgess Meredith/Rocky Balboa impression of Rocky 1), 本站编号60500170, 该免费商用 (cc协议)素材大小为11m, 时长为02:05, 声道为单声道, 音质为HQ高品质, 比特率为705k, 采样率为441...
Rocky II (1979) Mickey $7MM $6.4MM $85MM $85MM Magic (1978) Ben Greene $7MM Foul Play (1978) Mr. Hennessey $5MM $45MM $45MM The Manitou (1978) Dr. Snow $3MM Golden Rendezvous (1977) Van Heurden The Great Bank Hoax (1977) Jack Stutz The Sentinel (1977) ...
Rocky V (1990) Mickey $42MM $14MM $41MM $120MM State of Grace (1990) Finn $18MM $180K $1.9MM $1.9MM Oddball Hall (1990) Ingersol, Performer ("GOOD NIGHT, LITTLE GIRL, GOOD NIGHT") John Huston: The Man, the Movies, the Maverick (1988) Prologue narrator (voice...
Burgess Meredith was born 112 years ago. Sure, he was Mickey from theRockymovies — and a million other things as a gifted character actor — but really, truly, he was the Penguin. And here are13 QUICK THOUGHTSon why he was one of the greatest: ...
Although he’s well-known and liked around town, Rocky has become a figure of familiarity to the point where his latest victory is met with the most casual interest. Even Rocky’s nominal trainer, gym owner and elderly former pug Mickey Goldmill (Burgess Meredith), is so unenthused by him...
第49届(1977) 奥斯卡奖-最佳男配角 洛奇 Rocky(1976) 第48届(1976) 奥斯卡奖-最佳男配角 蝗虫之日 The Day of the Locust(1975) 第33届(1976) 电影类-最佳男配角 蝗虫之日 The Day of the Locust(1975) 第29届(1977) 迷你剧/电视电影类-电视电影最佳男配角 Tail Gunner Joe(1977) (Shown within The...
This article provides several movie quotations from actor Burgess Meredith, as well as situations when the quotes may be suitable for use. Meredith may be best known for his role as the boxing trainer "Mickey," in the ...