Happy, supportive community Burgess Hill Girls Senior School is a happy, supportive community, where girls are motivated to achieve, developing a love of learning and building self-esteem and confidence along the way. With high standards in every area of curricular and co-curricular activities, our...
Burgess Hill Girls School(伯格斯希尔女子学校)是一所位于西萨塞克斯郡的独立走读和寄宿学校。 创立于1906年,位于英国西苏塞克斯郡Burgess Hill的镇中心,学校占地14公顷,地理位置极佳,离希思罗机场约1小时车程,前往BurgessHill的火车站只需三分钟的步...
Burgess Hill Girls is an excellent rated independent school in West Sussex for girls aged 2 to 18. Give your daughter the best start in life. Book a visit now.
Burgess Hill Girls is routinely inspected by theIndependent Schools Inspectorate (ISI). Below is a summary of recent inspections with links to download full reports. February 2023 Both the Senior School and Sixth Form and Prep School and Nursery ISI reports judged the school as“excellent”in all...
Burgess Hill Girls School(伯格斯希尔女子学校)是一所位于西萨塞克斯郡的独立走读和寄宿学校。 创立于1906年,位于英国西苏塞克斯郡Burgess Hill的镇中心,学校占地14公顷,地理位置极佳,离希思罗机场约1小时车程,前往BurgessHill的火车站只需三分钟的步行路程,距离著名的海滨城市布莱顿市中心10英里。
Burgess Hill Girls prides itself on being the school for young women who are academically capable, creative, open-minded and curious, and who want to have a positive impact on the social and political world around them. We are also proud of championing the success of girls that join our Six...
Come and see our Senior School in action during our Autumn Open Fortnight, Monday 16th September – Friday 27th September.Book your place here. A Second Home “Cosy family atmosphere and all age groups mix well.”Good Schools Guide Welcome to Burgess Hill Girls. Boarding at our school is not...
Our school stands in 14 acres of beautiful grounds within a conservation area close to Burgess Hill’s town centre. All aspects of the school are located on this one campus; Nursery, Pre-Prep and Prep, Senior, Sixth Form and Boarding Houses. The school is only a five minute walk from th...
The introduction of League Tables was another challenge that Burgess Hill School has risen to. It is remarkable how consistently it has maintained its place as one of the highest ranking schools in Sussex, and earned a very good position in the National Tables, in a very competitive area for...