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季节新品汉堡小食甜品饮料国王浓浓咖啡早餐儿童餐 洋葱圈 King Onion Rings 蔬菜色拉 Garden Salad 霸王鸡条 Spicy Chicken Fries 薯霸王 French Fries 王道椒香鸡腿 Mala Chicken Drumstick 王道嫩香鸡块 King Chicken Nuggets 王道川蜀鸡翅 Mala Chicken Wings 霸王鸡盒 Chicken Box 王道鸡米花 popcorn chicken使用...
Burger King’s latest ad: a hoax? Given the number of people who have forwarded this to me, the ad agency that dreamed up this idea must be happy. But it it for real? I can’t find it on the Burger King website, so maybe it comes from The Onion? Anyone know the source? Share...
The rumpus that Burger King's latest poster ad campaign sparked in the press should have surprised no one, since the fast food chain has struggled for years to make its voice heard. In past campaigns, Burger King always compared its burgers to McDonald's, while recent ads focused on the ...
Burger King's new ad campaign features a moldy Whopper. THESE FAST-FOOD CHAINS GET AN 'F' FOR ANTIBIOTICS USE IN BEEF SUPPLY The burger chain also announced that more than 90 percent of its ingredients won’t contain artificial colors, flavors and preservatives. BK also said it removed MSG...
Available Burger King coupons and promotions change often and may vary by location, but you can keep up with the latest offers in the Burger King app and by joining the Royal Perks rewards program. In addition to redeeming rewards, you can find special Burger King deals like a free menu it...
关于burgerking_zhibanguanli 大小 45.8 MB 更新时间 2023-05-29 版本 3.4.32 Build 1 burgerking_zhibanguanli的其它版本 3.4.33 (build 2) 2024-05-30 蒲公英 | 举报 中文 提示:1. 该应用来源于第三方产品,内容不受蒲公英控制,请您仔细甄别,审慎安装。蒲公英内测服务平台为第三方应用提供应用测试托管...
(Ad | Burger King - Mange !), 本站编号40159195, 该创意片库素材大小为11m, 时长为30秒, 分辨率为1280*720, 作者为PLANET WARDO, 更多精彩创意片库素材,尽在爱给网。 浏览本次作品的您可能还对 餐饮食品餐饮连锁广告片网络广告其他办公场所青年男性英文横屏署名-非商业性使用-禁止演绎英文网络广告署名-非...
Burger King’s marketing chief seems to have edited Wikipedia to improve the ad But last week, that first line — the only line that Google Home reads — was changed to: “The Whopper is a burger, consisting of a flame-grilled patty made with 100 percent beef with no preservatives or fi...
Burger King Germany is celebrating Pride in a novel way, by grilling a burger into a stack of carbon and transforming it into a diamond for a gay couple.