美 英 un.国有土地管理局 网络国家土地管理局 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 国有土地管理局
Lujan involvedaBureauofLandManagementreviewofexecutiveorderswithdrawingmanypubliclandsfromresourcedevelopment. 卢汉一案涉及到土地管理局对从资源开发中撤出许多公共土地的行政命令的审查。 www.jukuu.com 4. TheU.S.BureauofLandManagementhaditsfirsteverland-leaseauctionforgeothermalresources, anditproduced57leasingagreeme...
bureau of land management发音 意思翻译 (美国)土地管理局 相似词语短语 Bureau of Land Management───(美国)土地管理局 demand management───需求管理 demand managements───需求管理 fund management───[金融]基金管理;[金融]资金管理 people management───人员管理 ...
management n. 1.[U](企业等的)管理,经营 2.[C](公司﹑ 企业等的)主管人员,管理部门,资方 3.[U]与人交往的技巧;手腕 health bureau 【医】 卫生局 land to the 【法】 耕者有其田 home land n. 祖国 land line n. 陆上通讯线 land waiter n. 海关税务检查人员 land value n. 地价 最...
B The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has hosted the online competition since 2019where the agency posts photos of bats online, and then asks people to vote for the cutest one to raise awareness about the animal's ecological importance.The first round of voting began Thursday and a Townsend...
1) BLM (Bureau of Land Management) 土地管理局 例句>> 2) American land management bureau 美国土地管理局 3) the Municipal Land Administration Bureau 市土地管理局 4) China Land Administration Bureau 国家土地管理局 5) landoffice n.土地管理局 ...
英文缩写 BLM 英文缩写BLM 英文全称Bureau of Land Management 中文解释(美国内政部)土地管理局 BLM意思,BLM的意思,BLM是什么意思?爱站小工具网缩写频道为您提供有关于BLM的解释和缩写,(美国内政部)土地管理局的英文缩写是什么
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is an agency within the United States Department of the Interior which administers America's public lands, totaling approximately 253 million acres (1,023,855 km2) or one-eighth of the landmass of the country.BLM also manages 700 million acres (2,832,...
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has hosted the online competition since 2015 where the agency posts photos of bats online, and then asks people to vote for the cutes to raise awareness about the animal's ecological importance.The first round of voting began Thursday and a Townsend's ...
Bureau of Land Management CampgroundsIntroduction The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) maintains 26 campgrounds in the Moab area. With the exception of Ken’s Lake (see below), most individual campsites are available on a first-come/first-served basis and no reservations are accepted. Ken’s ...