The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), a division of the U.S. Department of Commerce, is responsible for the analysis and reporting of economic data.
Funded by / Ownership The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) is a nonprofitfundedthrough donations and grants. Analysis / Bias In review, NBER reports news on economic research that is geared toward policymakers. The research includes original working papers such asThe Political Economy of ...
网络释义 1. 经济分析局 经济分析局(The Bureau of Economic Analysis)当日表示其修改了用以决定季节调整后销售年率月度计算的季节性因素,使得20…|基于20个网页 2. 美国经济分析局 根据美国经济分析局(the Bureau of Economic Analysis)2013/4/26日提供的报告显示:2013年第一季度美国实际...
Integration of Micro and Macro Data on Consumer Income and Expenditures October 23, 2012 Clinton P. McCully Bureau of Economic Analysis Abstract This paper examines macro and micro sources of information about household income and expenditures. The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) produces macro ...
Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development (BREAD); Adoption of new agricultural technologies may be discouraged by their inherent riskiness. We implemented a randomized field experiment to ask whether provision of insurance against a major source of production risk induces farmers to tak...
reporting regime, which includes the quality of the fi rm’s fi nancial reports and the underlying audit function; (2) the intensity of private information acquisition activities, which includes the depth and breadth of analyst and institutional investor activity; and (3) the strength of disse...
household income are the Census Bureau measure of the median income of families and the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) measure of personal income. Study compares key personal income measures Census demands cash for count: We reported last week on the numbers of Iranian-Americans found in each...
Atlanta Fed Hosts Last in Series of Asset-Building Forums: According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, Americans Spent More Than They Earned Last Year, Registering a Savings Rate of Minus .5 Percent. This Negative Savings Trend Persists in 2006, Raising Concern about How Households Would ...
What is the Bureau of Economic Analysis? What is a Commodity ETF? What is a Commodity Pool Operator? What is the National Bureau of Economic Research? How do I Choose the Best Commodity Trading Company? Discussion Comments WiseGeek, in your inbox ...
The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce, provides data estimates and analyses of personal income, population, employment, and gross state product for counties, MSAs, and other local areas through its regional economic information system (REIS). These...