Gross domestic product(GDP)This paper provides an overview of the source data and the estimating methods used by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) to prepare the quarterly estimates of the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP). When BEA prepares its first estimates of quarterly GDP, a wide...
④美国商务部经济分析局(Bureau of Economic Analysis)在对第四季度GDP增速的第二次估值中表示,上一季度GDP环比增长年率为3.2%,比此前报告的3.3%略有下修。 ⑤接受访查的经济学家此前预计,GDP增幅将不会出现修正。现在估计民间库存投资增长了663亿美元,而不是之前报告的827亿美元。 ⑥库存使GDP增幅减少了0.3个...
④美国商务部经济分析局(Bureau of Economic Analysis)在对第四季度GDP增速的第二次估值中表示,上一季度GDP环比增长年率为3.2%,比此前报告的3.3%略有下修。 ⑤接受访查的经济学家此前预计,GDP增幅将不会出现修正。现在估计民间库存投资增长了663亿美元,而不是之前报告的827亿美元。
Overview of BEA's (Bureau of Economic Analysis') Source Data and Estimating Methods for Quarterly GDP (Gross Domestic Product) This paper provides an overview of the source data and the estimating methods used by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) to prepare the quarterly estima... AJ Katz...
(redirected fromBureau of Economic Analysis) Also found in:Financial,Acronyms,Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. Related to Bureau of Economic Analysis:Bureau of Labor Statistics BEA (formerly)abbreviation for (Aeronautics) British European Airways Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 201...
美国和中国都是俄乌战争的受益者 | 由于欧洲对俄罗斯的封锁,北溪管道被炸,欧洲只能购买美国的天然气。美国各州21年到23年的三年的GDP增长率,所有的产油州,例如墨西哥湾的德州和佛州增长率11%,中部页岩油气州的GDP增长也很强劲,远超东海岸的纽约州和西海岸的加州2%增长率。注意这不是23年一年,是3年的。Source...
经济分析局(The Bureau of Economic Analysis)当日表示其修改了用以决定季节调整后销售年率月度计算的季节性因素,使得20…|基于20个网页 2. 美国经济分析局 根据美国经济分析局(the Bureau of Economic Analysis)2013/4/26日提供的报告显示:2013年第一季度美国实际GDP由前一季 … ...
Integration of Micro and Macro Data on Consumer Income and Expenditures October 23, 2012 Clinton P. McCully Bureau of Economic Analysis Abstract This paper examines macro and micro sources of information about household income and expenditures. The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) produces macro ...
include the CentralPolicyUnit, Sustainable Development Unit,Economic AnalysisandBusiness Facilitation Unit, etc. Office of the SecretaryforJustice not included. 註1 : 其他辦事處包括中央政策組、持續發展組,經濟分析及方便營商處 等,而並不包括律政司司長辦公室。
The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), a division of the U.S. Department of Commerce, is responsible for the analysis and reporting of economic data.