Inflation calculator and change of price between 2 dates United States, United States, US dollar, USD, Bureau of Labor Statistics, US CPI This page displays the actual value of an amount in the past. It uses inflation indexes for major countries. These are also called Consumer Price Index (...
Inflation calculator to adjust actual value of money using Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Japan Statistics Bureau, Japan CPI, JPY, Japan, Japan, Japanese yen, JPY
[...]in the United States, using the Consumer Price Index inflation calculator of the United States DepartmentofLabor,Bureau of Labor Statistics( 若按美国零售物价通胀和美国劳工部劳动统计局消费物价指数计算器 (计算,这一数额将增...
United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2012. Inflation Calculator. (accessed 05.12.12).United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (2010), United States Bureau of Labor Statistics "Employment situation summary" BLS News Release, July 2, available at: news.release/archives/empsit_...
A tool to gather, analyze and visualize data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) API. Functions include segmentation, geographic analysis and visualization. Topics api api-wrapper inflation cpi bls unemployment labor-statistics bureau-of-labor-statistics consumer...