Burden of proof 翻译为“举证责任;提供证据之责任”,是指当作为裁判基础的法律要件事实在诉讼中处于真伪不明的状态时,一方当事人因此而承担的诉讼上的不利后果。举证责任在刑法中遵循排除合理怀疑证明标准,在刑事案件中,控方必须毫无疑义地证明其案情。(In criminal cases, the prosecution must prove its case...
Burden of proof 翻译为“举证责任;提供证据之责任”,是指当作为裁判基础的法律要件事实在诉讼中处于真伪不明的状态时,一方当事人因此而承担的诉讼上的不利后果。 举证责任在刑法中遵循排除合理怀疑证明标准,在刑事案件中,控方必须毫无疑义地证明其案情。(In criminal cases, the prosecution must prove its case ...
burden of proof 术语释义 The duty to prove a fact or facts in dispute. In criminal cases, the prosecution must prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt. In most civil cases, the plaintiff must prove its case by a preponderance of the evidence.” 举证责任 背景知识 在英美法系,举证责任通常有...
Discover what burden of proof means. Learn the burden of proof definition, legal standards for burden of proof, and view burden of proof criminal...
The burden of proof for justifying that a case was particularly complex rests with the Government 政府应承担证明此案非常复杂的举证责任。 MultiUn (d) Increasing the number of cases under which the burden of proof is inverted; (d) 增加反向举证责任的案例数目; UN-2 Burden of proof; ...
Burden of Proof-Cases Relating to Chapter 3Jefferson L. IngramJohn C. Klotter
Burden of Proof A duty placed upon a civil or criminal defendant to prove or disprove a disputed fact. Burden of proof can define the duty placed upon a party to prove or disprove a disputed fact, or it can define which party bears this burden. In criminal cases, the burden of proof ...
A lot of people imagine and believe that in Rape cases the burden of proof is on the accused and the statement of the girl is taken as Gospel’s truth. This kind of beliefs were prevalent about 498A cases also in the past.
Noun1.burden of proof- the duty of proving a disputed charge duty,obligation,responsibility- the social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by that force; "we must instill a sense of duty in our children"; "every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an oblig...
Burden of proof is a legal standard that determines if a legal claim is valid or invalid based on the evidence produced. The burden of proof is typically required of one party in a claim, and in many cases, the party that is filing a claim is the party that carries the burden of proo...