ClaimFormNo. Post-hospitalisationfollowupvisit出院後之跟進覆診:□Yes是□No否 Dateofhospitalisation住院日期:From由DD日MM月YY年to至DD日MM月YY年 在遞交賠償申請前,請檢查下列各項是否已辦妥: 1.簽署及填妥此賠償申請表。 2.請填妥會員編號。 3.附上所有醫療收據正本,及有關文件。
If you do not take reasonable care to provide us with full, complete and accurate information in completing this lication form, then we may have the right to treat your policy as if it had not existed, or to refuse to pay all or part of a claim. All sections which need to be ...
to such appointment for the Member(s). I / We acknowledge and agree that such appointment shall be made on such terms and conditions as Bupa shall think fit at its absolute discretion. Bupa shall not be liable for any claim whatsoever ...
Most health insurance providers allocate an excess which the policyholder pays in the event of a claim. The excess amount that you choose will be the amount that you will be required to pay towards the cost of your medical care before Bupa covers the rest.Bupa's health ...