Buoyancy-Driven (Rayleigh-Bénard) Convection in BoxesBerkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksBoyd F. Edwards
A two-phase model based on the double-diffusive approach is used to perform a numerical study on natural convection of water-based nanofluids in square cavities differentially heated at two opposite walls, and inclined with respect to gravity so that the heated wall faces upwards. It is assumed...
19. Henkes, RAWN and Le Quéré, P., Three-Dimensional Transition of Natural Convection Flows,J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 319, pp. 22. Kwak, HS, Kuwahara, K. and Hyun, JM, Convective Cool-Downof a Contained Fluid Through Its Maximum Density Temperature, Int.HS Kwak...
Since, convection of a pure fluid near the critical point is difficult to study both experimentally and theoretically due to the critical divergence of the thermo-physical properties, no satisfactory correlations are currently available to predict the convective heat transfer in near-critical fluids. ...
Buoyancy-driven convection denotes a type of the heat transfer in a fluid, in which the fluid flow is driven solely by a density difference due to a temperature gradient. Consider a two-dimensional flow within a square cavity of solid walls, where gravit
Traveling waves in an extended reactor, whose width cannot be neglected, represent a three-dimensional (3D) reaction-diffusion-convection system. We investigate the effects of buoyancy-driven convection in such a setting. The 3D waves traveled through horizontal layers of the iodate-arsenous acid (...
(1992). Buoyancy-Driven Melt Pool Convection during Laser Surface Treatment. In: Davis, S.H., Huppert, H.E., Müller, U., Worster, M.G. (eds) Interactive Dynamics of Convection and Solidification. NATO ASI Series, vol 219. Springer, Dordrecht. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-011-2809...
The onset of thermal convection is analyzed by using the propagation theory which transforms partial disturbance equations into ordinary ones similarly under the principle of exchanges of stabilities. The eigenvalue problem is solved by the method of rapidly converging power series. In addition, the ...
Effect of buoyancy-driven convection on steady state dendritic growth in a binary alloy, Chin. Phys. B 22 (2013) 116805.C. Ming-Wen, W. Bao, and W. Zi-Dong, "Effect of buoyancy- driven convection on steady state dendritic growth in a binary alloy," Chinese Physics B, vol. 22, no...
Keywords Buoyancy driven convection Casson nanofluid Circular barrier Cold/hot fin Finite element method Wavy enclosure Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again and make sure cookies are enabledCited by (0)Peer review under responsibility of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University. ...