5 pack价格:$4.98 官网链接: https://www.bunnings.com.au/the-buzz-mini-insect-indoor-pot-traps-5-pack_p0081776刮漆刀 每个家庭最痛苦的一件事情,莫过于清洁!特别是家里的烤箱,上面的油渍和污迹怎么擦都擦不掉。那就一定要...
Typical day at work included customer service, tinting and mixing paint and putting away stock. I learnt a lot about all sorts of products that I never knew. Culture was good if you got along with your boss. Hardest part of the job was probably dealing with difficult customers the right ...
failed. They forgot to put any of the tint in, despite my waiting at the paint-desk and the label placed on the side with the tint name. Nada. It’s more than an hour round trip to get to our nearest bunnings store, at my own time and expense for someone else’s error. I would...