Destiny 2: Heresy Paving the Way for new frontiers Latest The one about helping Ionic Sentry a bit –22h Destiny 2 Update Sacred Barque. Creepy or cuddly? –2/21/2025 This Week In Destiny - 02/20/2025 New Exotic Mission! –2/14/2025 This Week In Destiny - 02/13/2025 The...
來自全世界的守護者一同挑戰國王的殞落掠奪任務,在本週末參加《天命2》最巔峰的六人玩家活動「世界第一掠奪任務競賽」。狂賀 Clan Elysium 勇闖邪魔族無畏戰艦並凱旋而歸。 六名成員成為第一個完成掠奪任務與額外挑戰的隊伍,所有人都可以獲得世界第一稱號腰帶。
MoveEquipDestinyItems: Move or equip Destiny items ReadDestinyInventoryAndVault: Read Destiny Inventory and Vault contents. ReadUserData: Read user data such as who they are web notifications, clan/group memberships, recent activity, muted users. EditUserData: Edit user data such as preferred languag...
destiny2吧 a942014332 大佬们有没有人知道这样怎么办啊,没有维护消息,bungie官网看了也没有,昨晚正常玩 17赞 网络游戏吧 一个大佬粗 Bungie和网易合作开发新游戏 获得1亿美元投资。网易搞大了。。。《命运》系列开发商Bungie宣布和网易达成合作,将为后者开发一个新的IP。 Bungie已经静悄悄地在开发一个新的非...
giving recommendations for what to play next based on players' real-time current progress, to "…call for back up," which offers an easy way to interact with friends in their clan to enhance the social experience of Destiny 2, to "… equip my Raid loadout," equipping players' favorite ...
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以下是原帖地址: 荆棘任务链 步骤1. Echoes of Darkness: 完成普通/困难也可的mission,打败Kovik。 步骤2:Harvest of the Lesser: 杀巡逻地图的Fallen来给枪充能。 步骤3:Feast Upon the Light:使用虚空伤害在PVP里杀玩家(大概125 ...
Destiny 2 将战队功能入嵌游戏内,还有新的PVE匹配机制(图) SinoX_9thsky 我们来看看新的UI Records , clan , Character, inventory, setting 记录,战队,角色,物品,设定 这个战队的页面有看到战队的名字,缩写, 座右铭(宗旨). 还有个season 1 , 可以的,感觉跟PVP有关, 怕不是天梯积分制. 战队还有等级的, ...
The official Destiny 2 Companion App keeps you connected to your Destiny adventure wherever life takes you. Join using PlayStation Network, Xbox Live, or - See all the latest news and updates. Discover what events and activities are live in the game. View your progress to...
Bungie Pls is a news site for Destiny 2 that focuses on being detail-oriented and informative while being as concise and direct as possible.