Do you use multiple Minecraft servers and want to connect them seamlessly? We are pleased to offer you our very own BungeeCord servers. No downloads but directly at GPORTAL!
本文介绍的服务端对象主要是BungeeCord(以 Waterfall 为例)和Velocity 什么是反向代理? 反向代理在电脑网络中是代理服务器的一种。服务器根据客户端的请求,从其关系的一组或多组后端服务器上获取资源,然后再将这些资源返回给客户端,客户端只会得知反向代理的IP地址,而不知道在代理服务器后面的服务器集群的存在。(摘...
1.14版本服务器,需要的可以去minecraft的官网下载。我只是为了混任务。。。 网址 上传者:weixin_43839461时间:2019-12-31 minecraft1.7材质包 很多国外的建筑师都用这个材质包很炫酷 上传者:qq_...
Installation & Usage For and in depth guide to the installation and usage of BungeeCord you should check the current primary download location. The current link is provided below for your convenience.
Downloads Wiki Support open an issue with question button License This project is distributed under Eclipse Public License 1.0 You can find ithere You can find the original RedisBungee is byasteiand project can be foundhereor spigot pagehere, but it...
Head towards theNuVotifierandVotingPluginSpigot pages, then pressDownload Nowfor each one. After downloading, navigate to yourApex server paneland enter in theFTP File Accessarea from the top left corner. Login with your password, then enter in thepluginsfolder and pressUploadin the top left. ...
Set up the IP address the players will use to connect: Set thehost:to the IP and Port of your proxy/ bungee server. Set up the other servers: Just add them underservers:with the desired name, MOTD, and IP address. Set up the default/fallback server: Set thepriorities:to the name ...
在下载bungeecord,如果可以我更推荐选择papermc的Waterfall: config.yml配置文件 将你下载的Bungeecord放入文件管理器并改名为server-release.jar。然后开启服务器,会生成这些玩意儿。
下载 新建文件夹waterfall放入该文件,创建start.bat文件并执行 @echo offjava -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms512M -Xmx512M -jar waterfall-1.19-510.jarpause 修改config文件,我的修改如下: query_port: 25565 你的端口 ...
This downloads the latest version of BungeeCord. You can find older versions for older Minecraft server versions,here. Setting up BungeeCord Start BungeeCord up, allowing it to generate the configuration files: java -jar BungeeCord.jar After the prompt[INFO] Listening on / displayed...