bundle Optional(NSBundle xxx/en.lproj> (not yet loaded)) 英文的多语言包的 未能成功加载 经过排查,Localizable.string 的文件格式出错,有一行缺少了;
'NSBundle /Documents/asset-4.bundle> (not yet loaded)' with name 'ZYBannerCell'' 这时,我们的处理方法是需要把xib转化成nib,转化方法如下 ibtool --errors --warnings --output-format human-readable-text --compile ZYBannerCell.nib ZYBannerCell.xib...
sourceBundle: </Users/yang_0921/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/7FFAA7A9-7B04-4681-B9CB-838EA92A2829/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/55081882-2121-4FBC-8E9E-C38332D58489/bundle.app/source.bundle> (not yet loaded) 1. 到这里,我们就成功的获取到了source.bundle文件。 接着,获取source.b...
这一点希望读者注意,.a文件打包前需要资源文件的一定要 处理程序,处理资源文件,这也是xib的一个弊端吧! 另外我打印了一下加载budle 是否成功,但是结果是(not yet loaded)这个我也不知道什么原因, 反正最终结果是加载成功了,有知道的读者可以@我,谢谢! 最后上一张成功的图片...
If you have something running on the same network, like a localhost: 3000; it must also be accessible on machines_ip: 3000 and your bundle not loaded error must be gone! Source: https://reactnative.dev/docs/running-on-device#method-2-connect-via-wi-fi-1 👍 6 😄 2 🎉 2 ...
If not loaded yet, the manager will load the desired settings from the storage backend (or initialize a fresh instance with default values). The instances are cached, so that the manager will always return the same instance for a given settings class. The manager also offers a save() ...
This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below.Breadcrumb Trail Links Business Essentials Start your tech career with Python skills that employers want Whether you’re aiming to break into tech or level up your current role, this bundle gives you the skills...
The Bruvi Bundle includes everything you need to brew remarkably tastier coffee, including the breakthrough Bruvi single-serve brewer.
log.info("Spring-DM annotation package could not be loaded from bundle ["+ OsgiStringUtils.nullSafeNameAndSymName(bundle) +"]; annotation processing disabled...");if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Cannot load annotation injection processor", exception); ...
[estático] The bundle has been installed and resolved (all dependencies have been loaded) but has not yet been started. BundleConstants STARTING : int = 0x0008 [estático] The bundle is in the process of starting (start() has been called but is not complete). BundleConstants STO...