Bundle configuration Define basic characteristics of a bundle, like its name, type, and version. Overview TheInformation Property Listfile associated with a bundle tells you how to interpret the bundle’s contents. The file describes fundamental features, like whether the bundle contains an app, a...
Expose java code running in OSGI to an external network, e.g. via the UPnP orSOAPprotocols. Bundle configuration, using theConfiguration Manager 实际做法来看,通常会把接口和实现分开。接口放到一个bundle里面。实现(service)放到另外一个bundle里面,类似下面的图示中,bundle A和B是Service,其interface放到Bun...
INSTALL_DIR=${SRCROOT}/Products/${PROJECT_NAME}.framework DEVICE_DIR=${BUILD_ROOT}/${CONFIGURATION}-iphoneos/${PROJECT_NAME}.framework SIMULATOR_DIR=${BUILD_ROOT}/${CONFIGURATION}-iphonesimulator/${PROJECT_NAME}.framework if [ -d "${INSTALL_DIR}" ] then rm -rf "${INSTALL_DIR}" fi mkd...
The engine provides a unified API cc.assetManager.loadBundle to load the Asset Bundle, which you need to pass in either the Asset Bundle's URL or the Bundle Name set in the Asset Bundle configuration panel, but if you want to reuse Asset Bundles from other projects, you can only do so...
我已经使用androidstudio在flutter中构建了一个应用程序,并正在尝试将其发布到play商店。根据https://flutter.dev/docs/deployment/android#reviewing-the-build-configuration的说法,“运行flutterbuildappbundle(运行flutter构建缺省为发布构建)。”然而,当我尝试将其上传到play控制台时</ ...
Google Play会使用app bundle生成向用户提供的各种apk,如base apk、feature apk、configuration apks、multi-APKs。图中蓝色标识的目录(drawable、values、lib)表示Google Play用来为每个模块创建configuration apks的代码和资源。 base、feature1、feature2:每个顶级目录都表示一个不同的应用模块,基本模块是包含在app ...
java.lang.Object com.tangosol.coherence.config.scheme.BundleManagerpublic class BundleManager extends java.lang.ObjectThe BundleManager class is responsible for configuring caches to use bundling. This class maintains a list of builders, where each builder contains configuration for a single bundle....
Use this tool as an alternative to selecting assets and setting their asset bundle manually in the inspector. It can be dropped into any Unity project with a version of 5.6 or greater. It will create a new menu item inWindow>AssetBundle Browser. The bundle configuration and build functionality...
Intra-chassis High Availability Configuration M-LAG Configuration BFD Configuration Overview of BFD Understanding BFD Configuration Precautions for BFD Default Settings for BFD Configuring Single-Hop or Multi-Hop BFD Configuring BFD with Automatically Negotiated Discriminators ...