bundle config local.gem-name ~/PATH_TO_PROJECT/gem-name How to set something like this with RubyMine 2024.1.4? used: macOS 14.5 M1 Yes, in projects root is hidden /.bundle/config file and it was without this path and has only this content: BUNDLE_JOBS:"2" cmd bundle config, sho...
ArkData StoreConfig.customDir配置不生效 如何将数据库数据内置到App @ohos.data.distributedKVStore接口中的deleteKVStore,第一个参数appId需要传递什么值 本地文件管理 如何使用Zip模块解压项目目录rawfile中的文件至应用的沙箱目录中 手机的“/data/storage/el2/base/haps/entry/files/”绝对路径在哪 如何...
ArkData StoreConfig.customDir配置不生效 如何将数据库数据内置到App @ohos.data.distributedKVStore接口中的deleteKVStore,第一个参数appId需要传递什么值 本地文件管理 如何使用Zip模块解压项目目录rawfile中的文件至应用的沙箱目录中 手机的“/data/storage/el2/base/haps/entry/files/”绝对路径在哪 如何...
config): true without Set for your local app (/data/deployer/timeagent/.bundle/config): [:development, :test] Set for the current user (/home/deployer/.bundle/config): [:development, :test] build.sassc Set for your local app (/data/deployer/timeagent/.bundle/config): "--disable-march...
AdminConfig.save() Purpose This command adds a bundle, a composite bundle or a grouped-up set of bundles to the internal bundle repository. You can install bundles singly, or you can install a set of bundles packaged as a compressed archive file with a.zipfile extension. In both cases, ...
info RAILS_ENV=production 样本输出 System information System: Ubuntu 14.04...exec rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production 为git用户配置全局属性: sudo -u git -H git config --global...在浏览器上打开GitLab 再次检查应用的运行状态: cd /home/git/gitlab sudo -u git -H bundle exec ...
这将在生成的版本库中定义一个名为 "origin" 的远程,让你从捆绑包中获取和拉取。R2 中的 $GIT_DIR/config 文件将有一个这样的条目: [remote "origin"] url = /home/me/tmp/file.bundle fetch = refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* 要更新产生的 mine.git 仓库,你可以在用增量更新替换存储在 /home...
order is an optional order in which each user prompt appears if a value is not provided by the user with --config-file as part of the bundle init command. If order is not provided, then user prompts display in the order in which they are listed in the schema. success_message is an ...
LocalActivityManager LocaleConfig LocaleConfig.InterfaceConsts LocaleConfigStatus LocaleManager LockTaskMode MediaRouteActionProvider MediaRouteButton MetaDataAttribute MissingForegroundServiceTypeException MissingForegroundServiceTypeException.InterfaceConsts MoveTaskFlags NativeActivity 通知 Notification.Action Notification.Actio...
config/database.yml emacs config/database.yml 在redmine目录中,安装Ruby依赖项: sudo gem install bundler sudo bundle...install --without development test 安装完成后,您需要使用Rake启动服务器: bundle exec rake generate_secret_token RAILS_ENV...=production bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=...