如果你已经安装了Bundler,但仍然收到“command not found”的错误,可能是因为gem的安装路径没有添加到你的PATH环境变量中。 你可以通过运行echo $PATH来查看当前的PATH设置。 确保Ruby和gem的安装路径(通常是/usr/local/bin或/usr/bin,具体取决于你的安装方式和操作系统)被包含在内。 如果不是,你需要将其添加到...
1 Why am I getting an error when I bundle install without using "sudo" 1 bundle error missing file only in sudo 0 Ruby bundle command not found 64 Bundle command not found mac 0 sudo bundle causes `could not find bundler` error 1 I can't run bundle it show bundle: command n...
求助: bundle..挂载盘启动好像有权限问题,我一般都是拷贝过来执行后再删除先复制到home目录或者tmp也行,看你目录大小咯,只要放得下,只是个目录名字的区别,当然tmp的权限比较方便方法1复制到home目录:sudo
sudo ln -s /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/bundle /usr/local/bin/bundle
bundle exec bin/github-linguist --breakdown bash: bundle: command not found how to reproduce sudo apt-get install cmake pkg-config libicu-dev zlib1g-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev ruby-dev git clone https://github.com/github/linguist github_linguist cd github_linguist/ gem install gith...
fastlane 安装蒲公英报错 sh: bundle: command not found Bundler是管理Gem(管理Ruby库和程序的标准包)相依性的工具,安装就好了. sudo gem install bundler 打包时出现如下错误 from /usr/bin/fastlane:23:in `<main>' 我的是因为IPA包存放路径格式写错 导致的 ./IPA 写成了/IPA,缺了个....
Every command that invokes "bundle" throw this error: "bash: bundle: command not found" Im using v1.0.6
Mac电脑 出现这个问题,是因为当前可执行文件没有添加到path里面; 解决办法: 如果不想添加,这样使用...
(Kommandot finns inte = Command not found.) When I try using "gem bundler install" I get this: $ gem bundler install ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::CommandLineError) Unknown command bundler I also tried "gem bundle install": ...
As suggested in #537, the addition of a bundle command could prove useful. There are two cases that we've seen pop up here: the ability to bundle the project and its dependencies in an arbitrary virtual environment and the ability to dow...