This model can be correlated with palaeogeographical and palaeoclimatological data for the Cenozoic, suggesting a gecarcinucoid dispersal to Asia via the "Lemurian Stepping-Stones", a chain of islands in the West-Indian Ocean that were emergent in times of low sea levels during the Oligocene....
Moreover, blue crabs can—at moderate water temperatures—survive at DO levels as low as 1.3 mg/L [72]. In the poikilohaline and typically shallow Monolimni Lagoon and the adjacent coastal area, the blue crab was subjected to seasonal fluctuations of the above major physicochemical parameters....
Size–frequency distributions showed that, in the classes 125–130 mm, females pre- sented an unusually low frequency; these ize classes were just or just over the size at first maturity (see below in Reproduction), and to some extent a significant number of females belonging to these ...