Bunbun, also known as Boom Booms, are bee-like enemies appearing only in World 1-2 in Super Mario Land. They soar overhead, dropping their spears on Mario. A Bunbun can be defeated from either being stomped or a Superball being thrown at them,...
临床意义 异常结果:增高急慢性肾炎,重症肾盂肾炎,各种原因所致的急慢性肾功能障碍,心衰,休克,烧伤,失水,大量内出血,肾上腺皮质功能减退症,前列腺肥大,慢性尿路梗阻等。 需要检查的人群:疑是肾病的患者。 注意事项 检查前禁忌:检查之前最好不要吃早饭,另外在检查前至少三天应饮食清淡,不要饮酒、暴饮暴食或过度疲劳,...
The Strange Bun is a cooked dish. It is prepared using either the kitchen inside an upgraded farmhouse or a Cookout Kit.
<onlyinclude>{{{1|Infobox cooking}}} |name = Strange Bun |image = Strange Bun.png |description = {{Description|Strange Bun}} |source = [[Cooking]]{{name|Shadow Brute|4%}}{{name|Spider|4%}} |recipe = {{NPC|Shane|Mail - 7+ [[File:HeartIconLarge.png|16px|link=]]}} |ingredien...
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正常值 成人3.2~7.1mmo]/L。婴儿、儿童1.8~6.5mmol/L。 临床意义 异常结果:增高急慢性肾炎,重症肾盂肾炎,各种原因所致的急慢性肾功能障碍,心衰,休克,烧伤,失水,大量内出血,肾上腺皮质功能减退症,前列腺肥大,慢性尿路梗
尿素氮标准值(BUN): 血生化检查:尿素氮(BUN) 正常参考值:2.17-7.14μmmol/L 临床意义: 尿素氮是血浆蛋白氮以外的含氮化合物的一种。在正常情况下,血中尿素氮主要是经肾小球滤过而随
分析测试百科网, 检查前禁忌:检查之前最好不要吃早饭,另外在检查前至少三天应饮食清淡,不要饮酒、暴饮暴食或过度疲劳,以免影响化验结果。 检查时要求:患者积极配合医生,医生仔细操作,以免结果有误。
Excitebike: Bun Bun Mario Battle is a remake/adaptation of Excitebike. All the motorcyclists in the game were replaced with characters of the Super Mario franchise. As this video game is a Satellaview title, Nintendo developed the game and released...
BunB 2017 : Balance-Unbalance 2017pangelo