A BUN test’s total cost includes several components, including charges for an office visit, a blood draw by a technician, and laboratory analysis. Health insurance often covers these costs if the test has been prescribed for you by your doctor. Check with your insurance company and doctor’s...
7. bun:blood urea nitrogen; 血液尿素氮测定 bun 双语例句 1. Thirty-six male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into four groups: Normal, Model, SIN and TWP group. 24h urine protein was determined with the trichloroacetic acid turbidimetry. SerumTP, Alb, TC, TG, HDL, LDL, BUN, Scr...
they leave more BUN behind. The BUN blood test measures the amount of urea nitrogen in your blood. If your levels are outside the normal range, this might mean either your liver orkidneysare not working well.
Enzymatische Harstoff bestimmung in Blut und Serum im optischen Test nach Warburg (Enzymatic determination of urea in blood and serum with the optical test according to Warburg). Klin Wschr 1965;43:174-5. 20.其他:仪器测定后的废液及难降解的材料集中收集后按《检验科废物处置管理规定》执行。
研究目的:本研究通过探讨不同保存温度条件对血清标本bun,ck含量的影响进行分析,为实验室标本保存条件的标准化质量控制提供科学的参考依据.研究方法:收集51份运动员血清标本,将每份血清标本分成10份,每份300ul.其中一份采样即刻检测bun,ck水平.另外9份血清分装到0.5ml v型管中密封,分别保存在4.C,-20.C和-70.C的...
New Test to Predict Which Heart Failure Patients Will Have BUN and Creatinine Increased by Diuretics - GW27-e1214 A comparison of any two methods is of great importance in a clinical laboratory. In this study, our aim is to compare the assay results of blood urea nitro... T Nguyen,A So...
Totesttheurinarymicroprotein,bloodbloodureanitrogen(BUN)and creatinine(Cr),andinvestigatethesignificanceofmicroproteini ntheearlydiagnosisofkidneydamageinasphyxialneonates.Methods Thirtyneonateswithas-phyxia(15mildcasesand15severecases)and 15healthynewbornswereasasphyxiagroupandcontrolgroup,respect ...
Blood, ViolenceNintendo Switch Touhou Gouyoku Ibun ~ Sunken Fossil World.Loading This item will be sent to your system automatically after purchase. Solve the oil crisis that's befallen Gensokyo! Team Shanghai Alice, the creator of the Touhou Project series, has teamed up with Twilight Frontie...
BUN concentration is affected by numerous factors, including dietary protein intake, decreased renal blood flow, gastrointestinal hemorrhage. Serum creatinine is affected less by non-renal factors but may be altered in animals with significantly decreased muscle mass.Linda Ross...
0 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 论文--毕业论文 文档标签: ofandureaUrea尿素氮BUN 系统标签: ureabunnitrogen尿素诊所clinics LabDeptChemistryTestName:BUN(UREANITROGEN)GeneralInformationLabOrderCodes:BUNSynonyms:BUN,BloodUreaNitrogen;UreaNitrogenCPTCodes:84520–Ureanitrogen;quantitativeTestIncludes:UreaNitrogen...