Bump on center, and side of left foot by: Anonymous I have the same kind of pain where it hurts more when I first wake up and stand... I was told by others that is a bone spur, but I was also told edema can do the same and cause an actual large fluid filled lump... which ...
Before I put my career on hold to stay home with my kids, I felt confident and competent in every job I held. Even when I was first trying to master school nutrition reimbursement structures, Web development jargon or nuclear power technology (seriously), I always felt fairly on top of th...
Delivery: Got delivered in about 15 days. Pretty good Quality: The mousepad quality is really nice. The size is exact as written on the product page. The thickness is exact too. The rubber bottom sticks to the table really well. The color reproduction might have been a bit better but at...
Body piercing has been a trend for all for all times. In spite of knowing that one may have to experience pain in the process of doing so, one still goes for getting one’s body parts pierced so as to enhance one’s beauty and trend a sportive and sexy look. In certain societ...
I had an email from DDs teacher, very apologetic, she had given DD a bump slip for an injury she got playing outside, she has a very small graze on bo...