Aboard the titular bullet train (a high-speed Japanese train) are several distinct assassins looking to kill someone, rescue someone, or obtain a briefcase. Admittedly, the who’s connected to who of it all initially feels messy and confusing, which is easily forgivable as the ensemble assembled...
The bullet train, or “Shinkansen”, is a type of passenger train which operates on Japan’s high-speed railway network. Capable of reaching a maximum speed of 320kms per hour, the bullet train offers riders an exceptionally unique and efficient travel experience. The list of Shinkansen train...
Japan's brand new bullet train model is among the fastest trains in the world—and it can also keep running during earthquakes. Here's how.
TOKYO, Aug. 21 (Xinhua) -- East Japan Railway Co. said Wednesday that a bullet train running at a speed of 280 km per hour had a door open during its journey from Sendai in northeastern Japan to Tokyo. However, no passengers were injured. According to the train operator, the Tohoku Sh...
In 1940, Japan\'s authorities proposed to connect the country\'s largest cities by a high-speed railway line. That\'s how the project Shinkansen was born. Now the railway network has expanded to 2,765 km with maximum train speeds of 130-320 km/h dependin
Japan Railways' latest mag-levbullet trainjust broke its own record as the fastest train in the world. The bullet train travelled at 603 kph (374 mph), blowing through last week's top speed of 590 kph (366 mph). At it's fastest, the train covered a mile in 10 seconds, which is ...
Japan's bullet trains (高速客运火车) have revolutionized, high-speed rail travel, but there are still many travelers who prefer a scenic slow ride on one of the old-fashioned trains. In the wintertime, few rail journeys in Japan are as magical as the historic "stove train" operated by ...
Japan's main islands of Honshu,KyushuandHokkaidoare served by a network of high speed train lines that connectTokyowith most of the country'smajor cities. Japan's high speed trains (bullet trains) are calledshinkansen(新幹線) and are operated byJapan Railways(JR). ...
Japanese Bullet Trains - Revealing Japanese style bullet trains offering high speed rail travel in the UK.
Shinkansen, Japan’s high-speed pioneer rail system, with lines on the islands of Honshu, Kyushu, and Hokkaido.