This afternoon we want to talk about the ballot or the bullet. The ballot or the bullet explains itself. But before we get into it, since this is the year of the ballot or the bullet, I would like to clarify some things that refer to me personally -- concerning my own personal positi...
The question tonight, as I understand it, is "The Negro Revolt, and Where Do We Go From Here?" or What Next?" In my little humble way of understanding it, it points toward eitherthe ballot or the bullet. The ballot or the bullet ...
it'll be molotov cocktails this month, hand grenades ne某t month, and something else ne某t month. it'll be ballots, or it'll be bullets. it'll be liberty, or it will be death. the only difference about this kind of death -- it'll be reciprocal. you know what is meant by "...
laterthisyearbrisbanewillhosttheleaderstargetblank2017年马云纽约经济俱乐部演讲稿中国第13亿名公民凌晨降生闲话经济普查演讲范文关于法的本质的再认识试论经济性是法的本质属性之一演讲范文试论司法交易行为的 马尔科姆演讲稿:选票还是子弹 The Ballot or the Bullet the ballot or the bullet by malcolm x april 3, ...
晴空塔smog创建的收藏夹晴空塔smog内容:马尔科姆 X的经典演讲_「选票还是子弹」The Ballot or the Bullet_(subtitles),如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
1 【英文演讲】经典演讲-The Ballot or the Bullet Malcolm X The Ballot or the Bullet Mr. Moderator, Reverend Cleage, Brother Lomax, brothers and sisters, and friends -- and I see some enemies. In fact, I think we’d be fooling ourselves if we had an audience this large and didn’t ...
演讲发言 | Speeches 实用借鉴| Practical lessons 页 PAGE 1 演讲发言 | Speeches 实用借鉴| Practical lessons PAGE 0 马尔科姆演讲稿:选票还是子弹 The Ballot or the Bullet The Ballot or the Bullet by Malcolm X April 3, 1964 Cleveland, Ohio Mr. Moderator, Brother Lomax, brothers and sisters, ...
Malcolm X: The Ballot or the BullethereEmersonkent Com
例句 释义: 全部,选票还是子弹,选票或子弹 更多例句筛选 1. In my little humble way of understanding it, it points toward either the ballot or the bullet. 在我稍微粗陋的习惯中,我理解它,它有利的指出不是投票就是子弹。隐私...